Must an OF model be shown as the breed it was sold as?

Monday, April 11, 2022 11:18 AM

I've just gone through some show results and one of my DNP models had the comment next to it "it's an Andalusian".

The model is sold as an Andalusian but to me it looks like a pony, the legs are too short,the face is too sweet, the barrel too round. So I'd entered it as a Lundy pony as that breed seemed to look more like the model to me.

Are we not supposed to assign breeds to Original finish models?

Monday, April 11, 2022 12:25 PM

As the owner you have every right to label your horse in any breed you would like. As the judge, they have every right not to place your horse. They don't have the right to re-assign your model's breed, but odds are that they were just saying that it may show better as an Andy. But you are right, you can choose whatever breed you like. I looked at your model, and I agree she fits both breeds. The class I assume you are referring to was quite large, but the judge should have definitely given you a little bit more than just "it's an Andalusian" in the comment. At least some reasoning. :) You are definitely allowed to assign breeds. Most people do, I do. It generally makes them show better. As a judge, I think your horse fits "Lundy Pony" well. It also fits Andalusian. :)

Monday, April 11, 2022 6:33 PM

Thank you, I saw how large the class was so I was not surprised the model did not place I just wanted to make sure I was entering my models correctly : ).

Monday, April 11, 2022 10:07 PM

You're welcome! You certainly are doing everything correctly. :)

Monday, July 11, 2022 11:26 PM

Just to belatedly add to this: not only can you absolutely, positively show your OF model as a breed other than it was sold as, but sometimes it probably should be, LOL. Some are pretty locked in, but others are more ambiguous. One thing I've found helpful: include a link to a good reference site for the breed you've chosen in your model's description. If you can hit the jackpot and find a breed reference site with a photo of a horse that closely resembles your model, definitely include it!


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