Welcome to OMHPS

Online Model Horse Photo Shows (OMHPS) is a platform to photo show model horses on an online interface. Built from the ground up, this website will allow you to show your horses, keep track of their placings, host your own shows, and enjoy a fun, competitive environment. The competitions are open to model horses of any make and model including Breyer, Stone Horses, Schleich, CollectA, artist resins, customs, and china/porcelain.

Current Shows

Fall Pony Extravaganza

Registration open

All OF Breyer, all ponies. Best in Show winner may contact me at my email address given below for a physical prize.

Register from 2024-10-01 12:00 to 2024-10-31 12:00

Autumn Thunder '24 Draft Show

Registration open

Welcome to the fourth annual Autumn Thunder Draft Specialty Show! This is a free show. Standard virtual ribbons. * Each HALTER SECTION has a Foals class. There are also specific sections/classes for heavy carriage, draft ponies, grade drafts/draft crosses/draft-type longears. * Limit 7 entries per class/per entrant. * Each horse can be entered 3 times–once in Halter, once in an Action (Pose) and once in a Colors (Workmanship) class. * Please read Division/Section/Class info to determine where your models best fit. * Refer to rules and class descriptions for more details. * Show host will monitor forum messages and emails.

Register from 2024-10-01 12:00 to 2024-10-21 12:00

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Upcoming Shows

No shows here, please check back later!

Currently Judging Shows

Time for Fall Model Horse Photo Show

Judging in progress

This show is free to join. I hope to get it judged relativity quickly, but due to my schedule that may not be possible.

Register from 2024-09-23 12:00 to 2024-09-28 12:00

Stone Horses Little Horse Show 2024

Judging in progress

Show off your Little Stones! This show is open to Stone models only, in our Pebble, Chip, and Microchip scales - all finishes, pewters and resins and plastic! Overall Champions will win a 1/6 prize pebble unicorn! <br></br> <b>Entry fees, limits, general info:</b> <ul> <li>Entry fee of $35</li> <li>Entrants are permitted 3 entries per class.</li> <li>Models may show in 1 halter/breed/workmanship class, and once in each performance class</li> <li>Family & Syndicate owned models are allowed, provided they are not showing under any owner or a direct family member of any owner.</li> <li>Backgrounds shall not be judged, placing the focus on the model itself. Realistic background photos are welcome, as are plain background photos that only show the model.</li> </ul>

Register from 2024-08-02 04:00 to 2024-09-16 09:00

Summer Soirée

Judging in progress

**FREE** show, open to everyone, focusing on Light & Sport Breeds!

Register from 2024-07-19 12:00 to 2024-08-12 12:00

OAS Fun and Deco Show

Judging in progress

This is a free show dedicated to fun classes and decorators for OF Breyers! Large classes will be split. I am new to this, so bare with me.

Register from 2024-07-07 12:00 to 2024-07-23 12:00

Wormwood Studios' Longear Summer Skirmish

Judging in progress

A fun, free show for all Longears, Zebroids, Exotics and Wild-Type Horses (Extinct and Extant) for all makes and sizes! Please no modern-day Domestic-Feral horses (mustangs, brumbies, etc), they will be DQ'd if mistakenly entered. Extinct prehistoric horses can be entered under the breed 'Feral Horse'.

Register from 2024-05-24 12:00 to 2024-06-15 12:00

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News & Events

News - September 27, 2024
Hey, photo showers! We are back online after the downtime required for the update. Let's talk about what changed!

The simple Makes list has been expanded and broken down into Type, Classification, Material, and Manufacturer. This allows for more exact identification of models and better filtering for future shows.

All pre-existing models have been updated accordingly. For example, a model that previously had Original Finish Breyer as the Make has been updated to Original Finish Plastic classification, Plastic material, and Breyer manufacturer automatically. Other more open-ended Makes, such as Original Finish China where no manufacturer was previously included, may require editing by you to get the perfect identification. Additionally, some makes (such as Custom Plastic) may have auto-filled fields that may not be perfectly accurate to your specific model - this is not a bug, just part of the complications of updating 75,000 unique models. Manual editing may be required. To help speed up that process, editing horses no longer requires a Captcha and is nice and quick now.

All currently open and upcoming shows have also been updated so there is no need for hosts to go back and fill in the new fields - that's been taken care of! If you see an error in your show, please feel free to reach out to us at omhps@omhps.com

This is a large part of a bigger overall update. As you can see, fields like Item Type also include Other Animal Figurine. Later, we will have separate species/breed lists for models classified as such. This means you may be able to look forward to better filtered other animal shows in the future. This is still in progress, but now that the main new system has been implemented, it shouldn't be too long before it is in place.

Other small fixes around the site also occurred in this update, and more behind-the-scenes stuff regarding the overall update were worked on that you will see later. As with any update, there may be bugs. If you spot any or have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Happy showing!

2024-09-27 by OMHPS

News - September 9, 2024
Hey, photo showers! We're here to talk to you about the upcoming update that we have been working on for some time. This is a large update and will require a few hours of downtime. This scheduled downtime will be on Friday September 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM CET/4:00 AM EST

So what is this big update? We are further fleshing out our filtration system to better categorize models. For example, we are splitting Makes out into Materials (such as Plastic) and Manufacturer (such as Breyer), rather than one thing that may limit certain models. This will allow for more fine-tuning of class filters and better classifications on models that may not fit into makes in the pre-existing, relatively simple list. We are also splitting out things such as Busts and Other Animal classifications so be excited if you have more variety in your collection!

So what does this mean for pre-existing models? We've been working on a system that will automatically update all pre-existing models. For example, a model listed as Original Finish Breyer in make will have the new fields auto-filled to be Plastic material and Breyer as manufacturer. This means you do not have to go and fill these in yourself, which we understand would take a lot of time no one wants to spend on horses they already uploaded. However, if you have, for example, an Original Finish Resin model, you may need to go in and fill out its manufacturer field since those models previously were not classified in any way. To help ease this transition further, we are removing Captchas on the edit model pages. This is a change that will remain, as well.

This requires all nearly 75,000 pre-existing models uploaded to the site to get updated information, so extended downtime is necessary. We hope this will only take a few hours and have planned it to disrupt users as little as possible. We will keep you all updated and share more information when the date gets near!

2024-09-09 by OMHPS

News - August 7, 2024
Hello photo showers! We wanted to make a bit of a PSA due to recent events. We have received a lot of emails and reports regarding the situation with a few photo shows being marked as invalidated and/or prematurely concluded over the past couple of days, so hopefully this clears things up.

What does it mean when a show is invalidated?

If a show has been marked as invalidated, that means there was proven cheating or bias on behalf of the host and/or judges. This includes placing self-owned models or using duplicate accounts to attempt to do so secretly. This is considered cheating and gaming the system, and is unfair to the other entrants as well as the rest of the site when it comes to the scoreboard. It also puts into question the integrity of the judging as a whole, even if there wasn't blatant cheating in every class. As a result, the show is marked invalidated and the points towards the scoreboard are removed. The results will remain in the show archives, but not elsewhere.

It goes without saying that this is not an outcome anyone wants to see. But fairness is of utmost importance to our platform, and unfortunately there are people who do not find fairness as important or misunderstandings happen.

If you ever see cheating like this on any show on our platform, please do not hesitate to reach out so we can take appropriate action. Thanks everyone!

2024-08-07 by OMHPS

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