Resins in the Ring

Resins in the Ring is free Photo Show hosted by Endless Studio. We welcome enterants from all over the world to join the fun and adore the most beautiful resins out there! Resins in the Ring, as name suggests, is targeted towards all models considered "Artist Resins" and Original Finish resins - that includes traditional casted, pewter and 3D printed models, to show in both Breed (Halter) and Color (Workmanship) divisions! This show is strongly based on realistic aspect of collecting: it's a great place to show off your knowledge about breeds, color genetics, anatomy, pedigree assignment and all that stuff - trust me, it will be rewarded. As it's free and learning show for me, there's no physical prizes this time. Show also includes one fun class in Halter/Breed - you can find it under Other section in both divisions :) It will be judged by my fiance, that tries his best in understanding what it's all about, but I can't possibly guess how he'll judge that class. Just go with your gut!

- 1 entry in Breed and 1 entry in Color allowed per model + 1 entry in fun class - unlimited entries per enterant per class (with exception of fun class, which is limited to 1 entry per division) - only full 3D models are allowed (no medallions) - only horses are allowed for non-fun classes (no longears, other animals and fantasy/decorator) - in fun classes fantasy/decorator and longears are also allowed (no other animals) - models in incorrect classes might be disqualified or moved to correct class - in case of a tie, models with plain (non-scenic) background will be preferred - references strongly encouraged, even with well known breed/color - Pedigree Assignment references and are highly desired - double entries will be disqualified


Divisions 6
Sections 40
Classes 236


You can find the show results below

Private user hosted show


Show concluded

2022-11-03 00:00

2022-11-30 23:59



Breed - Large


Breed - Small


Color - Solid (large)


Color - Solid (small)

See all (back to shows)