Breed specifics when entering models into a show

Sunday, May 15, 2022 4:51 AM

Could show holders actually select breeds for classes when they create their shows? Maybe do up some sort of tutorial for them? Although I am finding that specific breed classes do have the correct selections but it is the other pure, and partbred that is not right. Also often the pony section and decorator/fantasy.

Eg for other pure or partbred classes I am finding a lot of shows where ALL horse breeds are selected instead of the ones they should for the class. It is making it VERY HARD if not impossible, to enter certain classes because when show holders do that....... ALL horses show up which means I could end up, for each class, scrolling through hundreds of my model horses; most of which are not even eligible for the class - makes it horrendous, laborious for time and my wrist gets sore. I guess for those with smaller collections it is not an issue but those of us with larger ones it is not good. Lately I just skip those classes *shrugs*. Also I am finding often with "Foal" classes that adults show up, and often of all breeds too.

I have never set up a show, though did go and read the Show Hosting tutorial, so it is in there but is there a way can ensure show holders, especially new ones - set them up correctly? Example below - and from what I read it does say that you can set this up (I notice some show holders do it correctly and I thank them as they DO make it that much easier!!!)

This is a feature we added for classes that are “Other Part” type classes. Many halter/breed shows have an Other Pure/Part class in each section for breeds that aren’t popular enough to get their own class or for horses that are that breed type but with other breeds mixed in. We highly recommend splitting your Other Pure/Part classes into two, Other Pure [Type] and Other Part [Type]. The Other Pure class can have an exact list of breeds selected that fit that breed type and not have it be open to everything, which would be increasing the risk of breeds of an entirely different type entering. The Other Part class will need to be a lot more open since a mixed breed horse could be crossed with absolutely anything. By selecting cross breeds only, you ensure that not just any horse ends up in that class, but only horses that would be applicable.

Sunday, May 15, 2022 8:00 AM

I absolutely agree. This drives me insane too! It takes FOREVER to enter crossbreds. I would also appreciate it if show holders would do a bit more digging before they start a show.

Sunday, May 15, 2022 12:14 PM

Yes, there is a way to do this. By using both the Cross Breed Only option and putting in a list of breeds (for example, in an Other Part Draft class, select all draft breeds). This will make it so only horses that have at least one draft breed selected and at least one other (any) breed selected shows up. We are going to rework the show hosting system at one point, so that hopefully all of this makes a lot more sense, and are working on a video tutorial for people who don’t want to read all of the text tutorial or are more visual learners to help, hopefully.

We do want to add a search function on the class entry page for those very open classes so you don’t have to scroll. Additionally, you can enter a class from a specific horse’s page by going to that horse and clicking See eligible classes so you can go right to the class and enter that specific horse without having to find it.

Sunday, May 15, 2022 12:52 PM

Thank you! That is very helpful. :) I love this site and really appreciate all the effort you pour into making it the best it can be. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 9:26 PM

May thanks. Though is not just crossbreeds also often the Other Pure Breeds; the lack of foal classes with foal gender; decorator classes where all your models come up. More show user education - but also the search function desperately required. I probably would not personally use the enter from each of my horse profile as I have so many horses. I prefer being able to see a list of eligible only horses and select my 3 top ones from that.

pipapones said:

Yes, there is a way to do this. By using both the Cross Breed Only option and putting in a list of breeds (for example, in an Other Part Draft class, select all draft breeds). This will make it so only horses that have at least one draft breed selected and at least one other (any) breed selected shows up. We are going to rework the show hosting system at one point, so that hopefully all of this makes a lot more sense, and are working on a video tutorial for people who don’t want to read all of the text tutorial or are more visual learners to help, hopefully.

We do want to add a search function on the class entry page for those very open classes so you don’t have to scroll. Additionally, you can enter a class from a specific horse’s page by going to that horse and clicking See eligible classes so you can go right to the class and enter that specific horse without having to find it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 9:28 PM

SpottedDreamsStudio said:

I absolutely agree. This drives me insane too! It takes FOREVER to enter crossbreds. I would also appreciate it if show holders would do a bit more digging before they start a show.

Lately I have just been skipping all classes like this as I don't have the time or energy to scroll through hundreds of models and try to read which are the ones I am after. So I only partially enter shows. As soon as I see a class with all models I click straight back out now, though that too wastes time having to go back and forth.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 10:39 PM

So true to both of your posts. I am in the process of uploading a show, and I am paying VERY close attention to things like this. There should be nothing like this in the 2022 Spotted Dreams Photo Show. :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 4:54 AM

Still new shows being uploaded and some of them have ZERO for horses so I have hundreds of ineligible models show up. Am beyond frustrated at this point being unable to enter shows.... having spent hours uploading horses to here plus paying for premium membership.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 8:32 AM

Same. It really isn't that hard to make that problem disappear. I did with my show, and it only took an extra 1 or 2 seconds per class. No problems. Why can't everyone add strict requirements to the classes?! It's not that hard people!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 5:12 PM

This is very frustrating as we have the functionality in there to prevent that completely. That is what the program was designed to do - make it easy to enter exactly what should be in that class and nothing else.

We are currently working on completely overhauling the show creation system so it is easier for people to understand and also have presets available to use. For example, selecting a pre-made division with all of the restrictions already put in so show hosts don't have to do it themselves. They can make slight edits to it rather than start from scratch, so that it is still how they want the show set up. We are hoping that by doing this, fewer hosts will leave those filters blank and utilize the system to its fullest. Additionally, we are working on an in-the-meantime update to add filters/search bar to the class entry page so you can filter it out yourself rather than just see a giant list if the show host didn't select any filters themselves. That should make it a lot easier to enter, though still includes the extra step of filtering it when the show could have been set up in a way that removes that need for that in the first place.

Hopefully both of these updates will resolve this.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 5:30 PM

Perfect! Thank you so much! Looking forward to seeing those edits. :)


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