View Private Message Notifications via Personal Notifications Dropdown

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 11:02 AM

It would be nice to be alerted to forum/private message notifications outside of being in the forum tab of the site. I honestly had no idea I had a private message about an important show update until the show was already over because I didn't see a notification about it. I feel it would be beneficial for all notifications to go through the drop down next to our "my horses" button on the menu bar, that way they would be less likely to be missed when important updates, private message contacts and such occur.

Thursday, May 11, 2023 6:19 AM

This is something that is on the list of future updates, it just isn't a simple thing to implement, unfortunately. The Forum system is entirely separate and completely different from the main website; they aren't connected in any way. Forum coding is kind of a whole different beast :-) At some point, this forum will be more or less replaced with other systems through the main website (including a messaging system), but for now, this is what we've got. Just know that it won't be forever!


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