Sunday, April 16, 2023 5:34 PM

What are callbacks? And if you get a callback what does that mean?

Monday, April 17, 2023 6:58 AM

It means that your horse placed in either first or second (although with some shows it's first only) and it is allowed to go back and compete against all the other top horses from the section to determine who was the best in the section. Then the top horse(s) from the section compete to find out who was best in the division. :)

(Fictional) Example:

My horse, Dinah, is entered in Division- OF Large, Section- Stock, Class- Paint Mares. Dinah gets 1st place in her class (Paint Mares). She is automatically entered ("called-back") in the "section competition". So are all the other first place models from the classes in Stock. When all the Stock classes have been judged, the judge decides who is the very best by choosing a top dog from the 1st places. The "Section Champion", Dinah, and typically the "Section Reserve Champion" (which is essentially a second place in Section) go to "call backs" and are entered in their division (OF Large). All the best from the sections in OF Large compete and it is determined who was the very best model in OF Large. This model is crowned Division Champion, and the runner-up is Division Reserve Champion.

I hope that makes sense! :)

Monday, April 17, 2023 11:49 AM

Yes! Thank you


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