Performance entry descriptions

Thursday, February 9, 2023 8:39 PM

I can not seem to find any way to read the description on Performance entries. I tried going to individual horse pages and clicking on the Perf picture which is in class, but no script there either. Any chance your improvements this year will include script along with entry photos? And a "next image" button would also be great.

Friday, February 10, 2023 5:05 AM

You can read the description by going to that horse's Performances page (on the horse's page, at the bottom there is a button that says Performances). This takes you to a gallery of their performance entries and each includes the information given (type of performance, description, any references/documentation, etc.). We can move the button to another spot to make it easier to find.

Friday, February 10, 2023 3:11 PM

Thanks. I found it. But wow it takes 9 clicks to read the script and then 3 back page clicks to return to class. Would take forever to read all entries in a class. And the script is actually an integral part of a Performance entry, part of the judging and part of the fun. I hope you can add script and "next" function to each show entry in future. I would happily pay $50 premium for a year of that.

Sunday, February 12, 2023 7:40 AM

This is how it is for judging performance? That's a pretty serious lacking, a description is absolutely an integral part of a performance entry. Most US judges won't even have heard of some of the disciplines I'm having my herd doing - little chance those stand if unread! I had taken for granted that the entry description (like I should hope the horse description for halter classes...?) is shown to the judge when they view the associated image.

Sunday, February 12, 2023 8:07 AM

KoniMini, the horse description for halter is clearly visible for us judges. :) I can't say for performance, as I have yet to judge that on this platform.

Sunday, February 12, 2023 9:24 AM

Taking a quick look at the Crescent Cove show (from the judging page), performance is very easy to read the description of entries. Descriptions are the same placement as halter entry references (on the judging page).

I can provide screenshots by email if someone is curious as to what it looks like (can't upload them directly to the forums). :)

Monday, February 13, 2023 7:45 AM

Cheers SpottedDreamsStudio & equiden! Happy to hear it isn't so bad.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 4:00 AM

Yes, absolutely everything related to an entry is shown to judges directly on the judging page. Obviously, we would not make judges have to hunt for information - it's all there and easily accessible. It does not take that many clicks to reach performance information for non-judges for those who want to look. From the class entry page, Horse Name > Performances > Any Performance Entry. The information, reference images/links, are there. That said, I think we will change the link of each entry horse name on the class entry page from going to the horse's full page to going to that performance entry directly since it would cut it down to one click.


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