appaloosa's Profile




If you are seeking a judge to assist in judging your online show, feel free to send me a private msgor alternatively, you can email me
appaloosy @ yahoo.CA   My judging profile is HERE


Horses are the love of my life..

In fact, they are the unrequited love of my life.  I never had the opportunity to own one, but horses have held a lifelong fascination for me for as long as I can remember. It was a love-at-first site fascination that I carried well into my adulthood much to the bemusement and puzzlement of my non-horsey teachers, colleagues, friends and family.

I’ve been privileged to enjoy the company of many equine friends in various capacity over the years:  as a trail rider, as a groom, as a photographer, and as a spectator of various equine events; from Cavalia to Charrería; in places from Versailles to Puerto Vallarta (have yet to make it to an Olympic Equestrian event though! 😊)

Horses continue to inspire me, and will do so for as long as these marvelous, wondrous, beautiful creatures exist on earth.

As for model horses..

I've been involved in the hobby for ages! Have been a successful live-show exhibitor, competitor and judge. Have judged live-show events all across Canada & in the USA (NAMHSAEquilocity). Have been involved with online photo showing for almost as long, and established the Model Horse Club of Canada online photo show series.

I've wound down my involvement in the hobby somewhat, and no longer collect; but I enjoy judging & hosting online photo shows!

What I enjoy most about the hobby is the artistry & creativity that surrounds it; from sculpting, to painting, to photography, to live shows, etc. Love seeing all the creativity and artistry in this hobby, and enjoy seeing the amazing new molds and sculpts being released by a variety of artists from all over the world!

Favorite artists in the hobby? Undoubtedly, Carol Williams of Rio Rondo famebar none. Not only is Carol an outstanding artist in her own right, but she has contributed enormously to the hobby with her books and printed materials, her affordable and very correct resins, and of course, her rio rondo hardware. I think Carol has done more to advance knowledge and artistry for the hobby in the past 20 yrs than any other artist. I consider myself lucky to have owned two of her original Quarter Horse stallion (QHS) resins - all finished and hand painted by her.

Carol Williams' famous Quarter Horse 1 (RRQH1) resin sculpture. All work by Carol Williams.  Photo by ©appaloosa®
Carol Williams' famous Quarter Horse 1 (RRQH1) resin sculpture.
The resin that revolutionized the model horse industry and snowballed the artist resin craze! 
All work by Carol Williams.  Photo by ©appaloosa® 


Thanks for visiting! 

appaloosa's top ranking horses


buckskin, saddle mule ( x QH)

Equid Figurine


1:32 Scale

Wielki Tatuś

pangaré bay, Lithuanian Heavy Draft stallion

Equid Figurine

Lithuanian Heavy Draft

1:18 Scale


grey spotted saddle mule ( x Appaloosa) | OF Stone chips mule, 2008 Equilocity s/r

Equid Figurine


1:32 Scale

Rio Tinto Alcan

chestnut sabino TWH stallion

Equid Figurine

Tennessee Walking Horse

1:32 Scale


cremello Lusitano stallion | OF Stone chips Andalusian "Saphiro," 2007 s/r | REF link to the *real* cremello stallion Saphiro (photo gallery):

Equid Figurine


1:32 Scale


male tabby cat | unknown make/mfr | OF resin

Equid Figurine

Other Animal

1:18 Scale

1 Performances


bay Andalusian gelding

Equid Figurine


1:32 Scale


grey, saddle mule (QH x)

Equid Figurine


1:32 Scale

2 Performances

See All

User Statistics

Judging career
Shows judged
Competitions judged
Horses placed

Show Statistics

Class first places
Section champions
Section reserve champions
Section reserve to reserve champions
Division champions
Division reserve champions