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A zorse is the offspring of a zebra stallion and a horse mare. This cross is also called a zebrose, zebrula, zebrule, or zebra mule. The prototype was taken from a real Zebroyd. It was painted with acrylic and pastel.
Equid Figurine
Zebroid, Zebroid
1:64 Scale
Catalina is a sculpture by Stacey Tumlinson in Traditional size. She was painted in oil and some of the details were done in acrylic paint. She has blue eyes, I spent a lot of time painting them and they look really amazing and natural. Her eyes and hooves are coated in glossy varnish, the inside of the hooves are coated in matte varnish, the whole body is also matte.
Equid Figurine
1:9 Scale
He has a terrific mane that looks like it's about to blow away in a strong wind. His deep gaze penetrates right into the soul. Rainbow in a variation of pistachio and shades from light to dark and the addition of gold, which goes well with his suit. He has a rather unusual suit, it is called dunalino (dun x palomino).
Lusitano, Andalusian