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witchimage's Profile
witchimage's top ranking horses
SG Lady Dimitrescu
Priscilla - 2019 Stablemates Club
Equid Figurine
Sugarbush Draft
1:32 Scale
SG Prelude and Fugue
Equid Figurine
Carolina Marsh Tacky
1:32 Scale
SG Thibault
Equid Figurine
Belgian, Paint Horse
1:32 Scale
SG Feuerräder
Maggie Bennett micro mini "Dosh" in pewter painted to a bay medicine hat tobiano by Shelby Green.
Equid Figurine
American Drum Horse
1:64 Scale
1 Performances
SG Master of Ceremonies
Break The Mold Studios micro Costello repainted to a black going grey leopard appaloosa foal by Shelby Green
Equid Figurine
Friesian Sporthorse, Appaloosa, Friesian
1:64 Scale
1 Performances
SG Beneviento
Papo sleeping draft foal to Noriker foal, CM by Shelby Green
Equid Figurine
1:24 Scale
SG Legolas
Equid Figurine
1:32 Scale
SG Long Tall Sally
Mini Whinnie Wixom to CM American Cream Draft done in acrylics by Shelby Green
Equid Figurine
American Cream Draft
1:64 Scale
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Section reserve champions
Division reserve champions