Etched to Perfection

This is a FREE show for etched models. Only after market etched PLASTIC models in any scale are eligible. You must have the model’s WORKMANSHIP TAB filled out indicating “ETCHED” as the medium. Minimal paint work, such as hooves, eyes and after market glossing are allowed but the customization should be primarily etched. JUDGING CRITERIA: Workmanship, detail and realism are the primary factors in judging, along with photo quality, model condition, etc. Models that appear not to be etched as the main customization will be disqualified or not judged. CLASS INFO: Please review the class list and enter the most appropriate class for your model’s etching pattern. There is an Other Realistic Pattern/Multiple Patterns class if no other class seems appropriate. All breeds, grades and mixes are welcome (including foals and mules) in regular classes unless they are etched as an Exotic. Donkeys and Exotics have separate classes. Unrealistic/Decorator/Fantasy patterns have a separate class.

1. Please read class description for specific details about each class. 2. One entry per model. Entrants may enter up to 5 separate models per class. 3. No tack, unless molded on or permanently attached. 4. Any background is acceptable. Props are allowed if no part of model is hidden including by grass or sand. 5. Documentation of pattern is highly suggested and may be the deciding factor in placing a model. 6. Site photo rules apply. If you didn’t take the photo but have permission to use it, credit the photographer. You must currently own the model you are showing. 7. Classes may be split at judge’s discretion. Classes may or may not be stewarded. Judge’s decisions are final. 8. Ribbons to 10th Place. Sections Champion (50 pts), Reserves (45 pts) and Reserve to Reserve (40 pts). Division Champion (100 pts) and Reserve (90 pts). Good luck and have fun!


Divisions 2
Sections 10
Classes 50


You can find the show results below

Private user hosted show


Show concluded

2024-09-10 00:00

2024-09-18 00:00






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