Equiden’s Celebration Show

Hello everyone, welcome to my show! In celebration of my blog’s creation anniversary, I am hosting this free show! I will be posting updates on my blog, if you want to check that out. [Link] (This is the first show that I’ve hosted, so I’m bound to have an issue or two. Please either report it to me, or OMHPS to get the problem resolved.)

OF Plastic only (Breyer, Stone, Copperfox, etc). No double entries, no offensive model names/descriptions. No tack unless part of the model’s original sculpt. Normal classes are limited to 3 entries per user. Fun classes are limited to one entry per person, to keep class numbers low. If you have a question or concern about the judging, contact me. Please ask any questions you may have!

Divisions 3
Sections 28
Classes 266


You can find the show results below

Private user hosted show


Show concluded

2023-03-20 12:00

2023-04-10 12:00



Fun Division


OF Large


OF Small

See all (back to shows)