OMHPS Collectability Showcase - July 2021
Welcome to OMHPS's first collectability show! This show is all about showcasing rare and collectible pieces. This will be judged based on the rarity and condition of the models and is for Original Finish Plastic (Breyer, Stone, Copperfox, Hartland, etc.) only. Please be sure to have the collectability information filled out on your horse's page (accessible by editing the horse and opening the Collectability tab). Documentation for your model is REQUIRED - please add documentation via the Reference Images or Reference Text Field (via links or text information).
-5 entries per class, per entrant -Horses may only enter 1 class each -Models must be in their original factory state without alterations (repairs or restoration allowed) -Horses must have some form of documentation to prove their rarity, either via a reference image, link to reference image/page, or text
You can find the show results below
Official OMHPS show
Show concluded
2021-07-12 00:00
2021-08-02 23:59
This is for models that are considered open "Regular Runs" and available to all via Breyer or Breyer dealers without a set run number. **Note - models that were available via regular dealers but had a set run number should go under Limited Edition (such as the Elegance sets). Models that did not have a set run number but had limited distribution such as Mid States or Tractor Supply Company models should go under this section (Regular Run)
These are for models that were part of Breyer's Treasure Hunt Regular Runs, including the models that could be redeemed when all horses were found. Treasure Hunt models include things like the Four Seasons Othellos, Weather Girls, Color Crazy Foal sets, etc.
This section is for Limited Edition Breyer models that were available in stores (such as JCP), dealers, or catalogs/magazines (such as JAH) with a limited run number, but not limited because they were only available at an event (those should go under BreyerFest/Event Models). If they did not have a limited run number or were not marked as limited edition in some other way, put them under RR.
This is for models available at Breyer events such as BreyerFest, Collector Club events, etc. This does NOT include auction/test, raffle, judge, or volunteer models from those events, please put those in the Raffle/Prize/Judge model section.
Events such as Sweet Home Chicago/Scottsdale Stampede/similar, BreyerWest, etc.
Events such as Sweet Home Chicago/Scottsdale Stampede/similar, BreyerWest, etc.
Models that were only available on Breyer's website or through the Collector Club (but not the specific club models or the lottery draw models, which have classes within this section)
This is for "lottery draw" style models where Collector Club members much enter a drawing for the chance to purchase a limited model (such as the Berry Ponies, America the Beautiful series, etc.)
Prize models of limited quantities awarded for things like the live shows, custom contest, costume contest, etc.
Non-BreyerFest raffle/volunteer/judge models, such as for BreyerWest or similar.
OMHPS Collectability Showcase - July 2021 - Contact show host
If you have any questions or issues, please contact us via the Forum or email.