Thistle Hill’s Appaloosa Palooza

A show strictly for Appaloosa’s. Whether they’re OF Or CM there is a class for them here! Come get your Appies some show placings. $2 entry fee, 1 horse per entry, Virtual Ribbons, and comments available to those who want them!

1)ONLY open to Appaloosas! They can be solid (with proof of breed) or colored as long as they are Appaloosa in some way they are allowed here. 2)BE NICE! And no stealing photos. Don’t be sour to those who placed if you didn’t. 3)ENTRY FEE is $2, per horse, please send via PayPal to CMcGlynn515, make sure your username is stated somewhere in the PayPal note so I can add you to the show! 4)UNLIMITED entries, but maximum of 3 per horse. Please do not enter long ears in ANY classes besides the specific Long Ear one

This show has a private list of entrants that are allowed to enter.

Divisions 3
Sections 11
Classes 54


You can find the show results below

This show has been retired. Entries have been frozen and will no longer be judged. This usually happens when a show host abandons their show. Please contact OMHPS if you believe this is an error.

Private user hosted show

Show retired

2023-03-01 00:00

2023-03-31 00:00



CM/AR Appy


OF Appy

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