Welcome to our 3rd annual MAPLE LEAF INTERNATIONAL: a halter-only extravaganza with a Canadian twist! The show is open to all entrants, from all over the worldโ and is not limited by age, skill level, or showing experience. ๐ ENTRY FEE: $3.00 USD via paypal [ Link ] (PayPal.Me/appaloosa). Please select โFamily and Friendsโ and be sure to include your OMHPS user name and specify โentry fee for MLI โ ๐ Have fun!
COMPLETE RULES HERE: [ Link ] ๐ Please read rules carefully, as terminology & vernacular differ from country to country. For the purposes of this show, judging will be from a North American perspective. ๐ All photos must adhere to the OMHPS Image Use Policy: [ Link ] ๐ CLASS LIMITS: maximum of 3 horses per entrant, per class; in all classes ๐ CLASS PLACINGS: 1st - 6th. Overall division champs/res will be posted to the OMHPS Forum [ Link ] ๐ AWARDS: custom image graphics for all classes & section ch/res. Custom award certificates to overall division champs/resโ suitable for posting on your website, blog, Facebook page etc, or on your OMHPS profile etc. ๐ OWNERS MUST CONTACT ME to receive their AWARD CERTIFICATES ๐ JUDGING TIME FRAME: we hope to have all classes judged and the show concluded by the end of the month.
This show has a private list of entrants that are allowed to enter.
You can find the show results below
For TRADITIONAL (incl large trad) & CLASSIC SIZE models only 🍁 Please read rules [ https://bit.ly/3VIzPxE ] carefully, as terminology & vernacular differ from country to country. For the purposes of this show, judging will be from a North American perspective.
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Part (half) Arabians with arab-type look & build 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: National Show Horses (NSH) have their own class in the LIGHT BREEDS Division.
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
Your "Grade Light" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: Akhal Teke, Altai, American Banker Horse (Banker Pony), Barb, Bashkir Curly Horse, Bulichi (Baluchi), Camarillo White Horse, Carolina Marsh Tacky, Cuban Pinto (Cubano Pinto), Deliboz, Kathiawari, Lokai, Maremmana, Marwari, Moroccan Barb, Moyle, Nez-Perce Horse, North American Curly, Nooitgedachter, Novokirghiz, Tersk, Turkoman
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Costeño, Costa Rican Saddle Horse, Columbian Paso Fino (Trote Y Galope), Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Mangalarga Marchador, Spanish Jennet
Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: American Azteca, Criollo/Crioulo, Pampas Horse, Spanish Barb, Spanish-Norman Horse, Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse
Includes: Thoroughbred, Standardbred, Australian Standardbred, Canadian Pacer, Finnish Universal/Finnhorse (trotter-type), French Trotter, Métis Trotter, Norway Coldblood Trotter (Norsk Kaldblodstraver), Orlov Trotter, Russian Trotter, Swedish Coldblood Trotter (Svensk Kallblodstravar)
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
Your "Grade Sport/Warmblood" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Anglo-Kabarda, Ariegeois (Merens Pony), Argentine Polo Pony, Boer Horse (Boerperd), British Appaloosa, British Hunter-Hack, British Riding Horse, Cob (English/Irish, light/heavyweight or Maxi), Dutch Appaloosa, Friesian Sport Horse, San Fratello, Soulon Tiger Horse, Stonewall Sporthorse, Warlander, and any mix/Grade crossbreeds with heavy-hunter, hunter-hack, or jumper-type build & conformation (ie Grade Sport/Warmblood)
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Your "Grade Stock" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type), and other mix/crosses (Grade Stock) with stock-type build & conformation.
For all other gaited type (non-Spanish), or hybrid mix/cross gaited-type horses 🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Racking Horse, Rocky Mountain Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tiger Horse, Tennuvian, Walkaloosa
Includes: American Shetland (all 4 types - please specify type), American Show Pony, American Sport Pony, American Walking Pony, North American Curly Pony (under 14.2 hh), Assateague Pony, Banker Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Newfoundland Pony, North American Spotted Haflinger, Paint Pony, Pony of the Americas (POA), Sable Island Pony, Quarter Pony, Trottingbred Pony
Includes: Shetland, British Riding Pony, British Spotted Pony, British Show Pony, Carneddau Pony, Cob Pony, Connemara Pony, Dales Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Eriskay Pony, Exmoor Pony, Fell Pony, Hackney Pony, Highland Pony, Kerry Bog, Lundy Pony, New Forest Pony, Welsh Mountain Pony (sec. A), Welsh Pony (Sec. B), Welsh Cob (Sec. C)
Your "Grade Pony" types show here 🍁 Also includes: all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), American/Australian/Dutch Miniature, Astercon, Balearic, Dutch-Welsh Riding Pony, Falabella, Bashkir Pony, Galiceno Pony, Karakachan Pony, Mini Cobs, Part-Bred Shetland, Partbred Welsh, Peneia Pony, Pindos Pony, Show/Hunter Pony, Welara Pony, Working Hunter Pony
Includes: American Belgian, American Cream Draft, Amer Drum Horse, North American Spotted Draft, Sugarbush Draft, Sendera Draft
Includes: Abtenauer, Ardennes/Ardennais, Swedish Ardennes, Auxois, Belgian Brabant, Black Forest Horse (aka Noriker/Schwarzwaelder), Boulonnais, Breton, Comtois, Croatian Posavac, Dutch Draft, Estonian Draft, Finnish Draft, Italian Heavy Draft, Jutland, Lithuanian Heavy Draft, Murakoz, Mulassier, Noriker-Pinzgauer, North Swedish, Percheron, Pfalz-Ardenner, Poiteven(aka Mulassier), Polish Heavy Draft, Rheinisch German Coldblood (Rheinisch Deutsches Kaltblut), Rhineland Heavy Draft, Romanian Coldblood, Schleswig Heavy Draft, Russian/Soviet Heavy Draft, Sokolski, South German Coldblood, Toric, Trait Du Nord, Vladimir Heavy Draft
Includes: Byelorussian Harness Horse, Cleveland Bay, Dole/Dolahest (Dole Gudbrandsdal), Franches-Montagnes (aka Freiberger), Frieberger, Tuigpaard (Dutch Harness Horse), Frederiksborg, Friesian/East Friesian, Gelderlander, Groningen, Hackney Horse, Kladruber, Latvian Harness Horse, Nonius, Norman Cob, Romanian Light Draught (Bucovina), Rottaler, Saxon-Thuringian Heavy Warmblood, Vlaamperd, Welsh Cob (Sec. D)
Your "Grade Draft" types show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Draught, Ban-ei, Drum Horse, Georgian Grande, Irish Cob (Tinker/Vanner), Kandachime, Moriesian
For longear & exotic breeds 🍁 Also includes any unrealistic, fantasy-type models that resemble at least 50% equine form (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, hippocampus, etc)
Please be specific in your descriptions in regards to type & size (i.e small standard, large standard, draft-type mule, saddle/riding-type mule, gaited-type, etc). 🍁 More info: https://bit.ly/3Lq0onA 🍁 Includes: Amer. Miniature, burro, Cotentin, Donkey, Irish Donkey, Mammoth Jack, Mule, Pega Donkey, French Poitou, Provence, Sardinian Donkey
Includes: Asian/Asiatic Wild Horse, Balis, German Heck Horse, Kianga, Mongolian Wild Ass, Onager, Przewalski, Quagga, Somali Wild Ass, Tarpan, Zebra (all species), Zebroid
All unrealistic, fantasy-type equids (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, etc) show here
YOUNGSTOCK is defined as foals, weanlings, and yearlings up to one year of age.
Your Part/half Arabian-type foals show here. 🍁 Includes: Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian, Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: SHAGYA foals are shown under SPORT/WARMBLOOD 🍁 NATIONAL SHOW HORSE foals are shown under LIGHT BREEDS
All feral, light, & light-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Light" foals also show here 🍁
All Spanish & Spanish/Iberian-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" foals show here 🍁
Includes: all Warmblood, Sport, general purpose riding, Hunter/heavy-hunter type foals. 🍁 Your mix-cross/hybrid "Grade Sport/Warmblood" foals show here. 🍁 NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e. Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately.
Foals with stock-type build & conformation🍁 Your "Grade Stock" foals also show here🍁 American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse, American Paint Horse (APHA), Appaloosa (ApHC), Foundation Appaloosa, Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type)
Gaited & gaited-type youngstock🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" foals show here🍁 Includes: ASB, TWH, Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Rocky Mountain Horse, Racking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tennuvian, Tiger Horse, Walkaloosa
All Pony or Pony-type youngstock🍁 Please enter any mix-cross/hybrid pony types as "Grade Pony" 🍁 Includes all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), Miniature Horses, Falabella, etc
All Draft and carriage-type foals 🍁 Please enter any hybrid, mix-cross draft/carriage types as "Grade Draft"
For longear & exotic foals 🍁 Your pegasus & unicorn foals also show here.
OPEN TO MINI SIZES ONLY 🍁 Please read rules [ https://bit.ly/3VIzPxE ] carefully, as terminology & vernacular differ from country to country. For the purposes of this show, judging will be from a North American perspective.
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Part (half) Arabians with arab-type look & build 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: National Show Horses (NSH) have their own class in the LIGHT BREEDS Division.
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
Your "Grade Light" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: Akhal Teke, Altai, American Banker Horse (Banker Pony), Barb, Bashkir Curly Horse, Bulichi (Baluchi), Camarillo White Horse, Carolina Marsh Tacky, Cuban Pinto (Cubano Pinto), Deliboz, Kathiawari, Lokai, Maremmana, Marwari, Moroccan Barb, Moyle, Nez-Perce Horse, North American Curly, Nooitgedachter, Novokirghiz, Tersk, Turkoman
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Costeño, Costa Rican Saddle Horse, Columbian Paso Fino (Trote Y Galope), Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Mangalarga Marchador, Spanish Jennet
Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: American Azteca, Criollo/Crioulo, Pampas Horse, Spanish Barb, Spanish-Norman Horse, Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse
Includes: Thoroughbred, Standardbred, Australian Standardbred, Canadian Pacer, Finnish Universal/Finnhorse (trotter-type), French Trotter, Métis Trotter, Norway Coldblood Trotter (Norsk Kaldblodstraver), Orlov Trotter, Russian Trotter, Swedish Coldblood Trotter (Svensk Kallblodstravar)
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
Your "Grade Sport/Warmblood" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Anglo-Kabarda, Ariegeois (Merens Pony), Argentine Polo Pony, Boer Horse (Boerperd), British Appaloosa, British Hunter-Hack, British Riding Horse, Cob (English/Irish, light/heavyweight or Maxi), Dutch Appaloosa, Friesian Sport Horse, San Fratello, Soulon Tiger Horse, Stonewall Sporthorse, Warlander, and any mix/Grade crossbreeds with heavy-hunter, hunter-hack, or jumper-type build & conformation (ie Grade Sport/Warmblood)
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Your "Grade Stock" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type), and other mix/crosses (Grade Stock) with stock-type build & conformation.
For all other gaited type (non-Spanish), or hybrid mix/cross gaited-type horses 🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Racking Horse, Rocky Mountain Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tiger Horse, Tennuvian, Walkaloosa
Includes: American Shetland (all 4 types - please specify type), American Show Pony, American Sport Pony, American Walking Pony, North American Curly Pony (under 14.2 hh), Assateague Pony, Banker Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Newfoundland Pony, North American Spotted Haflinger, Paint Pony, Pony of the Americas (POA), Sable Island Pony, Quarter Pony, Trottingbred Pony
Includes: Shetland, British Riding Pony, British Spotted Pony, British Show Pony, Carneddau Pony, Cob Pony, Connemara Pony, Dales Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Eriskay Pony, Exmoor Pony, Fell Pony, Hackney Pony, Highland Pony, Kerry Bog, Lundy Pony, New Forest Pony, Welsh Mountain Pony (sec. A), Welsh Pony (Sec. B), Welsh Cob (Sec. C)
Your "Grade Pony" types show here 🍁 Also includes: all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), American/Australian/Dutch Miniature, Astercon, Balearic, Dutch-Welsh Riding Pony, Falabella, Bashkir Pony, Galiceno Pony, Karakachan Pony, Mini Cobs, Part-Bred Shetland, Partbred Welsh, Peneia Pony, Pindos Pony, Show/Hunter Pony, Welara Pony, Working Hunter Pony
Includes: American Belgian, American Cream Draft, Amer Drum Horse, North American Spotted Draft, Sugarbush Draft, Sendera Draft
Includes: Abtenauer, Ardennes/Ardennais, Swedish Ardennes, Auxois, Belgian Brabant, Black Forest Horse (aka Noriker/Schwarzwaelder), Boulonnais, Breton, Comtois, Croatian Posavac, Dutch Draft, Estonian Draft, Finnish Draft, Italian Heavy Draft, Jutland, Lithuanian Heavy Draft, Murakoz, Mulassier, Noriker-Pinzgauer, North Swedish, Percheron, Pfalz-Ardenner, Poiteven(aka Mulassier), Polish Heavy Draft, Rheinisch German Coldblood (Rheinisch Deutsches Kaltblut), Rhineland Heavy Draft, Romanian Coldblood, Schleswig Heavy Draft, Russian/Soviet Heavy Draft, Sokolski, South German Coldblood, Toric, Trait Du Nord, Vladimir Heavy Draft
Includes: Byelorussian Harness Horse, Cleveland Bay, Dole/Dolahest (Dole Gudbrandsdal), Franches-Montagnes (aka Freiberger), Frieberger, Tuigpaard (Dutch Harness Horse), Frederiksborg, Friesian/East Friesian, Gelderlander, Groningen, Hackney Horse, Kladruber, Latvian Harness Horse, Nonius, Norman Cob, Romanian Light Draught (Bucovina), Rottaler, Saxon-Thuringian Heavy Warmblood, Vlaamperd, Welsh Cob (Sec. D)
Your "Grade Draft" types show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Draught, Ban-ei, Drum Horse, Georgian Grande, Irish Cob (Tinker/Vanner), Kandachime, Moriesian
For longear & exotic breeds 🍁 Also includes any unrealistic, fantasy-type models that resemble at least 50% equine form (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, hippocampus, etc)
Please be specific in your descriptions in regards to type & size (i.e small standard, large standard, draft-type mule, saddle/riding-type mule, gaited-type, etc). 🍁 More info: https://bit.ly/3Lq0onA 🍁 Includes: Amer. Miniature, burro, Cotentin, Donkey, Irish Donkey, Mammoth Jack, Mule, Pega Donkey, French Poitou, Provence, Sardinian Donkey
Includes: Asian/Asiatic Wild Horse, Balis, German Heck Horse, Kianga, Mongolian Wild Ass, Onager, Przewalski, Quagga, Somali Wild Ass, Tarpan, Zebra (all species), Zebroid
All unrealistic, fantasy-type equids (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, etc) show here
YOUNGSTOCK is defined as foals, weanlings, and yearlings up to one year of age.
Your Part/half Arabian-type foals show here. 🍁 Includes: Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian, Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: SHAGYA foals are shown under SPORT/WARMBLOOD 🍁 NATIONAL SHOW HORSE foals are shown under LIGHT BREEDS
All feral, light, & light-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Light" foals also show here 🍁
All Spanish & Spanish/Iberian-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" foals show here 🍁
Includes: all Warmblood, Sport, general purpose riding, Hunter/heavy-hunter type foals. 🍁 Your mix-cross/hybrid "Grade Sport/Warmblood" foals show here. 🍁 NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e. Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately.
Foals with stock-type build & conformation🍁 Your "Grade Stock" foals also show here🍁 American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse, American Paint Horse (APHA), Appaloosa (ApHC), Foundation Appaloosa, Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type)
Gaited & gaited-type youngstock🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" foals show here🍁 Includes: ASB, TWH, Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Rocky Mountain Horse, Racking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tennuvian, Tiger Horse, Walkaloosa
All Pony or Pony-type youngstock🍁 Please enter any mix-cross/hybrid pony types as "Grade Pony" 🍁 Includes all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), Miniature Horses, Falabella, etc
All Draft and carriage-type foals 🍁 Please enter any hybrid, mix-cross draft/carriage types as "Grade Draft"
For longear & exotic foals 🍁 Your pegasus & unicorn foals also show here.
For TRADITIONAL (incl large trad) & CLASSIC SIZE models only 🍁 A CUSTOM MODEL is defined as altering an original finish commercially produced model— whether plastic, commercial resin, cold-painted china/porcelain, rubber, pewter, bronze, or from any other OF material. Any alteration from the original factory release means a model is customized. 🍁 NOTE: custom-glazed china's are to be shown in the OF CHINA/PORCELAIN & RESIN division 🍁 Complete rules here: [ https://bit.ly/3VIzPxE ] 🍁
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Part (half) Arabians with arab-type look & build 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: National Show Horses (NSH) have their own class in the LIGHT BREEDS Division.
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
Your "Grade Light" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: Akhal Teke, Altai, American Banker Horse (Banker Pony), Barb, Bashkir Curly Horse, Bulichi (Baluchi), Camarillo White Horse, Carolina Marsh Tacky, Cuban Pinto (Cubano Pinto), Deliboz, Kathiawari, Lokai, Maremmana, Marwari, Moroccan Barb, Moyle, Nez-Perce Horse, North American Curly, Nooitgedachter, Novokirghiz, Tersk, Turkoman
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Costeño, Costa Rican Saddle Horse, Columbian Paso Fino (Trote Y Galope), Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Mangalarga Marchador, Spanish Jennet
Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: American Azteca, Criollo/Crioulo, Pampas Horse, Spanish Barb, Spanish-Norman Horse, Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse
Includes: Thoroughbred, Standardbred, Australian Standardbred, Canadian Pacer, Finnish Universal/Finnhorse (trotter-type), French Trotter, Métis Trotter, Norway Coldblood Trotter (Norsk Kaldblodstraver), Orlov Trotter, Russian Trotter, Swedish Coldblood Trotter (Svensk Kallblodstravar)
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
Your "Grade Sport/Warmblood" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Anglo-Kabarda, Ariegeois (Merens Pony), Argentine Polo Pony, Boer Horse (Boerperd), British Appaloosa, British Hunter-Hack, British Riding Horse, Cob (English/Irish, light/heavyweight or Maxi), Dutch Appaloosa, Friesian Sport Horse, San Fratello, Soulon Tiger Horse, Stonewall Sporthorse, Warlander, and any mix/Grade crossbreeds with heavy-hunter, hunter-hack, or jumper-type build & conformation (ie Grade Sport/Warmblood)
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Your "Grade Stock" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type), and other mix/crosses (Grade Stock) with stock-type build & conformation.
For all other gaited type (non-Spanish), or hybrid mix/cross gaited-type horses 🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Racking Horse, Rocky Mountain Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tiger Horse, Tennuvian, Walkaloosa
Includes: American Shetland (all 4 types - please specify type), American Show Pony, American Sport Pony, American Walking Pony, North American Curly Pony (under 14.2 hh), Assateague Pony, Banker Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Newfoundland Pony, North American Spotted Haflinger, Paint Pony, Pony of the Americas (POA), Sable Island Pony, Quarter Pony, Trottingbred Pony
Includes: Shetland, British Riding Pony, British Spotted Pony, British Show Pony, Carneddau Pony, Cob Pony, Connemara Pony, Dales Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Eriskay Pony, Exmoor Pony, Fell Pony, Hackney Pony, Highland Pony, Kerry Bog, Lundy Pony, New Forest Pony, Welsh Mountain Pony (sec. A), Welsh Pony (Sec. B), Welsh Cob (Sec. C)
Your "Grade Pony" types show here 🍁 Also includes: all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), American/Australian/Dutch Miniature, Astercon, Balearic, Dutch-Welsh Riding Pony, Falabella, Bashkir Pony, Galiceno Pony, Karakachan Pony, Mini Cobs, Part-Bred Shetland, Partbred Welsh, Peneia Pony, Pindos Pony, Show/Hunter Pony, Welara Pony, Working Hunter Pony
Includes: American Belgian, American Cream Draft, Amer Drum Horse, North American Spotted Draft, Sugarbush Draft, Sendera Draft
Includes: Abtenauer, Ardennes/Ardennais, Swedish Ardennes, Auxois, Belgian Brabant, Black Forest Horse (aka Noriker/Schwarzwaelder), Boulonnais, Breton, Comtois, Croatian Posavac, Dutch Draft, Estonian Draft, Finnish Draft, Italian Heavy Draft, Jutland, Lithuanian Heavy Draft, Murakoz, Mulassier, Noriker-Pinzgauer, North Swedish, Percheron, Pfalz-Ardenner, Poiteven(aka Mulassier), Polish Heavy Draft, Rheinisch German Coldblood (Rheinisch Deutsches Kaltblut), Rhineland Heavy Draft, Romanian Coldblood, Schleswig Heavy Draft, Russian/Soviet Heavy Draft, Sokolski, South German Coldblood, Toric, Trait Du Nord, Vladimir Heavy Draft
Includes: Byelorussian Harness Horse, Cleveland Bay, Dole/Dolahest (Dole Gudbrandsdal), Franches-Montagnes (aka Freiberger), Frieberger, Tuigpaard (Dutch Harness Horse), Frederiksborg, Friesian/East Friesian, Gelderlander, Groningen, Hackney Horse, Kladruber, Latvian Harness Horse, Nonius, Norman Cob, Romanian Light Draught (Bucovina), Rottaler, Saxon-Thuringian Heavy Warmblood, Vlaamperd, Welsh Cob (Sec. D)
Your "Grade Draft" types show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Draught, Ban-ei, Drum Horse, Georgian Grande, Irish Cob (Tinker/Vanner), Kandachime, Moriesian
For longear & exotic breeds 🍁 Also includes any unrealistic, fantasy-type models that resemble at least 50% equine form (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, hippocampus, etc)
Please be specific in your descriptions in regards to type & size (i.e small standard, large standard, draft-type mule, saddle/riding-type mule, gaited-type, etc). 🍁 More info: https://bit.ly/3Lq0onA 🍁 Includes: Amer. Miniature, burro, Cotentin, Donkey, Irish Donkey, Mammoth Jack, Mule, Pega Donkey, French Poitou, Provence, Sardinian Donkey
Includes: Asian/Asiatic Wild Horse, Balis, German Heck Horse, Kianga, Mongolian Wild Ass, Onager, Przewalski, Quagga, Somali Wild Ass, Tarpan, Zebra (all species), Zebroid
All unrealistic, fantasy-type equids (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, etc) show here
YOUNGSTOCK is defined as foals, weanlings, and yearlings up to one year of age.
Your Part/half Arabian-type foals show here. 🍁 Includes: Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian, Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: SHAGYA foals are shown under SPORT/WARMBLOOD 🍁 NATIONAL SHOW HORSE foals are shown under LIGHT BREEDS
All feral, light, & light-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Light" foals also show here 🍁
All Spanish & Spanish/Iberian-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" foals show here 🍁
Includes: all Warmblood, Sport, general purpose riding, Hunter/heavy-hunter type foals. 🍁 Your mix-cross/hybrid "Grade Sport/Warmblood" foals show here. 🍁 NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e. Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately.
Foals with stock-type build & conformation🍁 Your "Grade Stock" foals also show here🍁 American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse, American Paint Horse (APHA), Appaloosa (ApHC), Foundation Appaloosa, Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type)
Gaited & gaited-type youngstock🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" foals show here🍁 Includes: ASB, TWH, Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Rocky Mountain Horse, Racking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tennuvian, Tiger Horse, Walkaloosa
All Pony or Pony-type youngstock🍁 Please enter any mix-cross/hybrid pony types as "Grade Pony" 🍁 Includes all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), Miniature Horses, Falabella, etc
All Draft and carriage-type foals 🍁 Please enter any hybrid, mix-cross draft/carriage types as "Grade Draft"
For longear & exotic foals 🍁 Your pegasus & unicorn foals also show here.
OPEN TO CUSTOMIZED MINI SIZES ONLY 🍁 A CUSTOM MODEL is defined as altering an original finish commercially produced model— whether plastic, commercial resin, cold-painted china/porcelain, rubber, pewter, bronze, or from any other OF material. Any alteration from the original factory release means a model is customized. 🍁 NOTE: custom-glazed china's are to be shown in the OF CHINA/PORCELAIN & RESIN division 🍁 Complete rules here: [ https://bit.ly/3VIzPxE ]
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Part (half) Arabians with arab-type look & build 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: National Show Horses (NSH) have their own class in the LIGHT BREEDS Division.
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
Your "Grade Light" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: Akhal Teke, Altai, American Banker Horse (Banker Pony), Barb, Bashkir Curly Horse, Bulichi (Baluchi), Camarillo White Horse, Carolina Marsh Tacky, Cuban Pinto (Cubano Pinto), Deliboz, Kathiawari, Lokai, Maremmana, Marwari, Moroccan Barb, Moyle, Nez-Perce Horse, North American Curly, Nooitgedachter, Novokirghiz, Tersk, Turkoman
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Costeño, Costa Rican Saddle Horse, Columbian Paso Fino (Trote Y Galope), Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Mangalarga Marchador, Spanish Jennet
Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: American Azteca, Criollo/Crioulo, Pampas Horse, Spanish Barb, Spanish-Norman Horse, Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse
Includes: Thoroughbred, Standardbred, Australian Standardbred, Canadian Pacer, Finnish Universal/Finnhorse (trotter-type), French Trotter, Métis Trotter, Norway Coldblood Trotter (Norsk Kaldblodstraver), Orlov Trotter, Russian Trotter, Swedish Coldblood Trotter (Svensk Kallblodstravar)
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
Your "Grade Sport/Warmblood" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Anglo-Kabarda, Ariegeois (Merens Pony), Argentine Polo Pony, Boer Horse (Boerperd), British Appaloosa, British Hunter-Hack, British Riding Horse, Cob (English/Irish, light/heavyweight or Maxi), Dutch Appaloosa, Friesian Sport Horse, San Fratello, Soulon Tiger Horse, Stonewall Sporthorse, Warlander, and any mix/Grade crossbreeds with heavy-hunter, hunter-hack, or jumper-type build & conformation (ie Grade Sport/Warmblood)
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Your "Grade Stock" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type), and other mix/crosses (Grade Stock) with stock-type build & conformation.
For all other gaited type (non-Spanish), or hybrid mix/cross gaited-type horses 🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Racking Horse, Rocky Mountain Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tiger Horse, Tennuvian, Walkaloosa
Includes: American Shetland (all 4 types - please specify type), American Show Pony, American Sport Pony, American Walking Pony, North American Curly Pony (under 14.2 hh), Assateague Pony, Banker Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Newfoundland Pony, North American Spotted Haflinger, Paint Pony, Pony of the Americas (POA), Sable Island Pony, Quarter Pony, Trottingbred Pony
Includes: Shetland, British Riding Pony, British Spotted Pony, British Show Pony, Carneddau Pony, Cob Pony, Connemara Pony, Dales Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Eriskay Pony, Exmoor Pony, Fell Pony, Hackney Pony, Highland Pony, Kerry Bog, Lundy Pony, New Forest Pony, Welsh Mountain Pony (sec. A), Welsh Pony (Sec. B), Welsh Cob (Sec. C)
Your "Grade Pony" types show here 🍁 Also includes: all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), American/Australian/Dutch Miniature, Astercon, Balearic, Dutch-Welsh Riding Pony, Falabella, Bashkir Pony, Galiceno Pony, Karakachan Pony, Mini Cobs, Part-Bred Shetland, Partbred Welsh, Peneia Pony, Pindos Pony, Show/Hunter Pony, Welara Pony, Working Hunter Pony
Includes: American Belgian, American Cream Draft, Amer Drum Horse, North American Spotted Draft, Sugarbush Draft, Sendera Draft
Includes: Abtenauer, Ardennes/Ardennais, Swedish Ardennes, Auxois, Belgian Brabant, Black Forest Horse (aka Noriker/Schwarzwaelder), Boulonnais, Breton, Comtois, Croatian Posavac, Dutch Draft, Estonian Draft, Finnish Draft, Italian Heavy Draft, Jutland, Lithuanian Heavy Draft, Murakoz, Mulassier, Noriker-Pinzgauer, North Swedish, Percheron, Pfalz-Ardenner, Poiteven(aka Mulassier), Polish Heavy Draft, Rheinisch German Coldblood (Rheinisch Deutsches Kaltblut), Rhineland Heavy Draft, Romanian Coldblood, Schleswig Heavy Draft, Russian/Soviet Heavy Draft, Sokolski, South German Coldblood, Toric, Trait Du Nord, Vladimir Heavy Draft
Includes: Byelorussian Harness Horse, Cleveland Bay, Dole/Dolahest (Dole Gudbrandsdal), Franches-Montagnes (aka Freiberger), Frieberger, Tuigpaard (Dutch Harness Horse), Frederiksborg, Friesian/East Friesian, Gelderlander, Groningen, Hackney Horse, Kladruber, Latvian Harness Horse, Nonius, Norman Cob, Romanian Light Draught (Bucovina), Rottaler, Saxon-Thuringian Heavy Warmblood, Vlaamperd, Welsh Cob (Sec. D)
Your "Grade Draft" types show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Draught, Ban-ei, Drum Horse, Georgian Grande, Irish Cob (Tinker/Vanner), Kandachime, Moriesian
For longear & exotic breeds 🍁 Also includes any unrealistic, fantasy-type models that resemble at least 50% equine form (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, hippocampus, etc)
Please be specific in your descriptions in regards to type & size (i.e small standard, large standard, draft-type mule, saddle/riding-type mule, gaited-type, etc). 🍁 More info: https://bit.ly/3Lq0onA 🍁 Includes: Amer. Miniature, burro, Cotentin, Donkey, Irish Donkey, Mammoth Jack, Mule, Pega Donkey, French Poitou, Provence, Sardinian Donkey
Includes: Asian/Asiatic Wild Horse, Balis, German Heck Horse, Kianga, Mongolian Wild Ass, Onager, Przewalski, Quagga, Somali Wild Ass, Tarpan, Zebra (all species), Zebroid
All unrealistic, fantasy-type equids (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, etc) show here
YOUNGSTOCK is defined as foals, weanlings, and yearlings up to one year of age.
Your Part/half Arabian-type foals show here. 🍁 Includes: Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian, Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: SHAGYA foals are shown under SPORT/WARMBLOOD 🍁 NATIONAL SHOW HORSE foals are shown under LIGHT BREEDS
All feral, light, & light-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Light" foals also show here 🍁
All Spanish & Spanish/Iberian-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" foals show here 🍁
Includes: all Warmblood, Sport, general purpose riding, Hunter/heavy-hunter type foals. 🍁 Your mix-cross/hybrid "Grade Sport/Warmblood" foals show here. 🍁 NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e. Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately.
Foals with stock-type build & conformation🍁 Your "Grade Stock" foals also show here🍁 American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse, American Paint Horse (APHA), Appaloosa (ApHC), Foundation Appaloosa, Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type)
Gaited & gaited-type youngstock🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" foals show here🍁 Includes: ASB, TWH, Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Rocky Mountain Horse, Racking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tennuvian, Tiger Horse, Walkaloosa
All Pony or Pony-type youngstock🍁 Please enter any mix-cross/hybrid pony types as "Grade Pony" 🍁 Includes all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), Miniature Horses, Falabella, etc
All Draft and carriage-type foals 🍁 Please enter any hybrid, mix-cross draft/carriage types as "Grade Draft"
For longear & exotic foals 🍁 Your pegasus & unicorn foals also show here.
OPEN to ALL SIZES - INCLUDING MINIS 🍁 Includes: OF china/porcelain, ceramic, custom-glazed china, cold-cast resins, & commercial resins. 🍁 NOTE: cold-painted china's are shown in the CUSTOMIZED division 🍁 Complete rules here [ https://bit.ly/3VIzPxE ]
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Part (half) Arabians with arab-type look & build. 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Part Arabian, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type)
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
Your "Grade Light" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: Akhal Teke, Altai, American Banker Horse (Banker Pony), Barb, Bashkir Curly Horse, Bulichi (Baluchi), Camarillo White Horse, Carolina Marsh Tacky, Cuban Pinto (Cubano Pinto), Deliboz, Kathiawari, Lokai, Maremmana, Marwari, Moroccan Barb, Moyle, Nez-Perce Horse, North American Curly, Nooitgedachter, Novokirghiz, Tersk, Turkoman
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" horses show here. 🍁 Also includes: Spanish gaited-type breeds, American Azteca, Criollo/Crioulo, Pampas Horse, Spanish Barb, Spanish-Norman Horse, Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse, etc.
Includes: Thoroughbred, Standardbred, Australian Standardbred, Canadian Pacer, Finnish Universal/Finnhorse (trotter-type), French Trotter, Métis Trotter, Norway Coldblood Trotter (Norsk Kaldblodstraver), Orlov Trotter, Russian Trotter, Swedish Coldblood Trotter (Svensk Kallblodstravar)
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
Your 'Grade Sport/Warmblood' horses show here 🍁 Includes all other warmblood, sporthorse, or all-purpose riding types, of hunter/hunter-hack/hunter-jumper type build & conformation. 🍁 NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross in your descriptions (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately.
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Your "Grade Stock" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type), and other mix/crosses (Grade Stock) with stock-type build & conformation.
For all other gaited (non-Spanish), or mix/cross gaited-type horses 🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Racking Horse, Rocky Mountain Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tiger Horse, Tennuvian, Walkaloosa
Includes: American Shetland (all 4 types - please specify type), American Show Pony, American Sport Pony, American Walking Pony, North American Curly Pony (under 14.2 hh), Assateague Pony, Banker Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Newfoundland Pony, North American Spotted Haflinger, Paint Pony, Pony of the Americas (POA), Sable Island Pony, Quarter Pony, Trottingbred Pony
Includes: Shetland, British Riding Pony, British Spotted Pony, British Show Pony, Carneddau Pony, Cob Pony, Connemara Pony, Dales Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Eriskay Pony, Exmoor Pony, Fell Pony, Hackney Pony, Highland Pony, Kerry Bog, Lundy Pony, New Forest Pony, Welsh Mountain Pony (sec. A), Welsh Pony (Sec. B), Welsh Cob (Sec. C)
Your "Grade Pony" types show here 🍁 Also includes: all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), American/Australian/Dutch Miniature, Astercon, Balearic, Dutch-Welsh Riding Pony, Falabella, Bashkir Pony, Galiceno Pony, Karakachan Pony, Mini Cobs, Part-Bred Shetland, Partbred Welsh, Peneia Pony, Pindos Pony, Show/Hunter Pony, Welara Pony, Working Hunter Pony
Includes: American Belgian, American Cream Draft, Amer Drum Horse, North American Spotted Draft, Sugarbush Draft, Sendera Draft
Includes: Abtenauer, Ardennes/Ardennais, Swedish Ardennes, Auxois, Belgian Brabant, Black Forest Horse (aka Noriker/Schwarzwaelder), Boulonnais, Breton, Comtois, Croatian Posavac, Dutch Draft, Estonian Draft, Finnish Draft, Italian Heavy Draft, Jutland, Lithuanian Heavy Draft, Murakoz, Mulassier, Noriker-Pinzgauer, North Swedish, Percheron, Pfalz-Ardenner, Poiteven(aka Mulassier), Polish Heavy Draft, Rheinisch German Coldblood (Rheinisch Deutsches Kaltblut), Rhineland Heavy Draft, Romanian Coldblood, Schleswig Heavy Draft, Russian/Soviet Heavy Draft, Sokolski, South German Coldblood, Toric, Trait Du Nord, Vladimir Heavy Draft
Includes: Byelorussian Harness Horse, Cleveland Bay, Dole/Dolahest (Dole Gudbrandsdal), Franches-Montagnes (aka Freiberger), Frieberger, Tuigpaard (Dutch Harness Horse), Frederiksborg, Friesian/East Friesian, Gelderlander, Groningen, Hackney Horse, Kladruber, Latvian Harness Horse, Nonius, Norman Cob, Romanian Light Draught (Bucovina), Rottaler, Saxon-Thuringian Heavy Warmblood, Vlaamperd, Welsh Cob (Sec. D)
Your "Grade Draft" types show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Draught, Ban-ei, Drum Horse, Georgian Grande, Irish Cob (Tinker/Vanner), Kandachime, Moriesian
For longear & exotic breeds 🍁 Also includes any unrealistic, fantasy-type models that resemble at least 50% equine form (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, hippocampus, etc)
Please be specific in your descriptions in regards to type & size (i.e small standard, large standard, draft-type mule, saddle/riding-type mule, gaited-type, etc). 🍁 More info: https://bit.ly/3Lq0onA 🍁 Includes: Amer. Miniature, burro, Cotentin, Donkey, Irish Donkey, Mammoth Jack, Mule, Pega Donkey, French Poitou, Provence, Sardinian Donkey
Includes: Asian/Asiatic Wild Horse, Balis, German Heck Horse, Kianga, Mongolian Wild Ass, Onager, Przewalski, Quagga, Somali Wild Ass, Tarpan, Zebra (all species), Zebroid
All unrealistic, fantasy-type equids (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse, etc) show here
YOUNGSTOCK is defined as foals, weanlings, and yearlings up to one year of age.
Your Part/half Arabian-type foals show here. 🍁 Includes: Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian, Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: SHAGYA foals are shown under SPORT/WARMBLOOD 🍁 NATIONAL SHOW HORSE foals are shown under LIGHT BREEDS
All feral, light, & light-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Light" foals also show here 🍁
All Spanish & Spanish/Iberian-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" foals show here 🍁
Includes: all Warmblood, Sport, general purpose riding, Hunter/hunter-hack type foals. 🍁 Your mix-cross/hybrid "Grade Sport/Warmblood" foals show here. 🍁 NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e. Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately.
Foals with stock-type build & conformation🍁 Your "Grade Stock" foals also show here🍁 American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse, American Paint Horse (APHA), Appaloosa (ApHC), Foundation Appaloosa, Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type)
Gaited & gaited-type youngstock🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" foals show here🍁 Includes: ASB, TWH, Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Rocky Mountain Horse, Racking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tennuvian, Tiger Horse, Walkaloosa
All Pony or Pony-type youngstock🍁 Please enter any mix-cross/hybrid pony types as "Grade Pony" 🍁 Includes all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), Miniature Horses, Falabella, etc
All Draft and carriage-type foals 🍁 Please enter any hybrid, mix-cross draft/carriage types as "Grade Draft"
For longear & exotic foals 🍁 Your pegasus & unicorn foals also show here.
For TRADITIONAL (incl large trad) & CLASSIC SIZE models only 🍁 For all OF Breyer PLASTIC models and other OF plastics (Copperfox, Hartland, Marx, Blue Box/Blue Ribbon Horses, etc ). Also includes some of the CollectA DELUXE (1:12 scale) models 🍁 Complete rules here: [ https://bit.ly/3VIzPxE ]
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Part (half) Arabians with arab-type look & build 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: National Show Horses (NSH) have their own class in the LIGHT BREEDS Division.
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
Includes: Akhal Teke, Altai, American Banker Horse (Banker Pony), Barb, Bashkir Curly Horse, Bulichi (Baluchi), Camarillo White Horse, Carolina Marsh Tacky, Cuban Pinto (Pinto Cubano), Deliboz, Kathiawari, Karabakh, Karabair, Karakachan Pony (Karachay), Kuda-Pacu, Kushum, Kustanai, Lokai, Maremmana, Marwari, Moroccan Barb, Moyle, Nez-Perce Horse, North American Curly, Nooitgedachter, Novokirghiz, Sardinian, Sanhe Horse, Xilingol horse, Tersk, Turkoman
Includes: Akhal Teke, Altai, American Banker Horse (Banker Pony), Barb, Bashkir Curly Horse, Bulichi (Baluchi), Camarillo White Horse, Carolina Marsh Tacky, Cuban Pinto (Pinto Cubano), Deliboz, Kathiawari, Karabakh, Karabair, Karakachan Pony (Karachay), Kuda-Pacu, Kushum, Kustanai, Lokai, Maremmana, Marwari, Moroccan Barb, Moyle, Nez-Perce Horse, North American Curly, Nooitgedachter, Novokirghiz, Sardinian, Sanhe Horse, Xilingol horse, Tersk, Turkoman
Nondescript hybrid-mix/crossbreeds with light-type build & conformation 🍁 Your 'Grade Light' type horses show here. 🍁 NOTE: "Grade" is a North American term which refers to an unregistered horse of unknown breeding without a specific breed standard, and/or is a mix/cross of several different breeds which does not exhibit obvious or specific characteristics/conformation of any particular breed as defined by any breed registry, association, or state stud.
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Costeño, Costa Rican Saddle Horse, Columbian Paso Fino (Trote Y Galope), Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Mangalarga Marchador, Spanish Jennet
Includes: Costeño, Costa Rican Saddle Horse, Columbian Paso Fino (Trote Y Galope), Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Mangalarga Marchador, Spanish Jennet
Nondescript hybrid-mix/crossbreeds with Spanish-type look & conformation 🍁 Your 'Grade Spanish/Iberian" type horses show here 🍁 Also includes: American Azteca, Criollo/Crioulo, Pampas Horse, Spanish Barb Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse, Spanish-Norman Horse
Includes: American Thoroughbred, French Thoroughbred, English Thoroughbred
Includes: American Thoroughbred, French Thoroughbred, English Thoroughbred
Includes: American Thoroughbred, French Thoroughbred, English Thoroughbred
Includes: American Standardbred, Australian Standardbred, Canadian Pacer, Finnish Universal (trotter-type), French Trotter, Métis Trotter, Norway Coldblood Trotter (Norsk Kaldblodstraver), Orlov Trotter, Russian Trotter, Swedish Coldblood Trotter (Svensk Kallblodstravar)
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
Nondescript hybrid, or mix/grade/crossbreed types for general all-purpose riding, hunter/hunter-hack, etc. 🍁 Your "Grade Sport/Warmblood" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Anglo-Kabarda, Ariegeois (Merens Pony), Argentine Polo Pony, Australian Waler, Boerperd (Boer Horse), British Appaloosa, British Hunter-Hack, British Riding Horse, Cob (English/Irish, light/heavyweight or Maxi), Dutch Appaloosa, Friesian Sport Horse, Kabarda, San Fratello, Soulon Tiger Horse, Stonewall Sporthorse, Warlander
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Your "Grade Stock" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type), and other mix/crosses (Grade Stock) with stock-type build & conformation.
Includes: Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, McCurdy Plantation Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, North Amer Single-Footer, Rocky Mountain Horse
Your "Grade Gaited" horses show here 🍁 For all other (non-Spanish) hybrid, or mix/cross gaited-type horses 🍁 Includes: Aegidienberger, Racking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tennuvian, Tiger Horse, Walkaloosa
Includes: Canadian Rustic Pony, Newfoundland Pony, Sable Island Pony
Includes: American Shetland (all 4 types - please specify type), American Show Pony, American Sport Pony, American Walking Pony, North American Curly Pony (under 14.2 hh), Assateague Pony, Banker Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Newfoundland Pony, North American Spotted Haflinger, Paint Pony, Pony of the Americas (POA), Sable Island Pony, Quarter Pony, Trottingbred Pony
Includes: American Shetland (all 4 types - please specify type), American Show Pony, American Sport Pony, American Walking Pony, North American Curly Pony (under 14.2 hh), Assateague Pony, Banker Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Newfoundland Pony, North American Spotted Haflinger, Paint Pony, Pony of the Americas (POA), Sable Island Pony, Quarter Pony, Trottingbred Pony
Includes: American Shetland (all 4 types - please specify type), American Show Pony, American Sport Pony, American Walking Pony, North American Curly Pony (under 14.2 hh), Assateague Pony, Banker Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Newfoundland Pony, North American Spotted Haflinger, Paint Pony, Pony of the Americas (POA), Sable Island Pony, Quarter Pony, Trottingbred Pony
Includes: Shetland, British Riding Pony, British Spotted Pony, British Show Pony, Carneddau Pony, Cob Pony, Connemara Pony, Dales Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Eriskay Pony, Exmoor Pony, Fell Pony, Hackney Pony, Highland Pony, Kerry Bog, Lundy Pony, New Forest Pony, Welsh Mountain Pony (sec. A), Welsh Pony (Sec. B), Welsh Cob (Sec. C)
Includes: Shetland, British Riding Pony, British Spotted Pony, British Show Pony, Carneddau Pony, Cob Pony, Connemara Pony, Dales Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Eriskay Pony, Exmoor Pony, Fell Pony, Hackney Pony, Highland Pony, Kerry Bog, Lundy Pony, New Forest Pony, Welsh Mountain Pony (sec. A), Welsh Pony (Sec. B), Welsh Cob (Sec. C)
Includes: Shetland, British Riding Pony, British Spotted Pony, British Show Pony, Carneddau Pony, Cob Pony, Connemara Pony, Dales Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Eriskay Pony, Exmoor Pony, Fell Pony, Hackney Pony, Highland Pony, Kerry Bog, Lundy Pony, New Forest Pony, Welsh Mountain Pony (sec. A), Welsh Pony (Sec. B), Welsh Cob (Sec. C)
Includes: Miniature Horse, Dutch Miniature, Falabella, Mini Irish Cob
Your "Grade Pony" types show here 🍁 Also includes: all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc), American/Australian/Dutch Miniature, Astercon, Balearic, Dutch-Welsh Riding Pony, Falabella, Bashkir Pony, Galiceno Pony, Karakachan Pony, Mini Cobs, Part-Bred Shetland, Partbred Welsh, Peneia Pony, Pindos Pony, Show/Hunter Pony, Welara Pony, Working Hunter Pony
Includes: American Belgian, American Cream Draft, North American Spotted Draft, Sugarbush Draft, Sendera Draft
Includes: American Belgian, American Cream Draft, Amer Drum Horse, North American Spotted Draft, Sugarbush Draft, Sendera Draft
Includes: Byelorussian Harness Horse, Cleveland Bay, Dole/Dolahest (Dole Gudbrandsdal), Franches-Montagnes (aka Frieberger), Frieberger, Tuigpaard (Dutch Harness Horse), Frederiksborg, Friesian/East Friesian, Gelderlander, Georgian Grande, Groningen, Hackney Horse, Kladruber, Latvian Harness Horse, Nonius, Norman Cob, Romanian Light Draught (Bucovina), Rottaler, Saxon-Thuringian Heavy Warmblood, Vlaamperd, Welsh Cob (Sec. D)
Your "Grade Draft" types show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Draught, Ban-ei, Drum Horse, Georgian Grande, Irish Cob (Tinker/Vanner), Kandachime, Moriesian
For longear & exotic breeds 🍁 Your decorators, unrealistic colours & fantasy-type models also show in this division.
Please be specific in your descriptions in regards to Donkey type & size [ https://bit.ly/3X4FhMf ] 🍁 Includes: Donkey, American miniature, Burro, Cotentin, Irish Donkey, French Poitou, Mammoth Jack, Provence, Pega Donkey, Sardinian Donkey
Please bPlease be specific in your descriptions in regards to Mule type (i.e. draft-type mule, saddle/riding type mule, gaited-type, etc) [ https://bit.ly/3Lq0onA ]
Includes: Zebra (all species), Asian/Asiatic Wild Horse, Balis, German Heck Horse, Kianga, Mongolian Wild Ass, Onager, Przewalski, Quagga, Somali Wild Ass, Tarpan, Zebroid
Includes: all unrealistic colours, decorators, fantasy models, (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse) etc.
YOUNGSTOCK is defined as foals, weanlings, and yearlings up to one year of age.
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya Foals are shown in the Sport/Warmblood class
Your part/half Arabian type foals show here. 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Part Arabian, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: National Show Horse foals are shown in LIGHT BREEDS
All feral, light, & light-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Light" foals also show here 🍁
All feral, light, & light-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Light" foals also show here 🍁
All Spanish & Spanish/Iberian-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" foals also show here 🍁
All Spanish & Spanish/Iberian-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" foals also show here 🍁
Includes: all Warmblood, Sport, general purpose riding, Hunter/heavy-hunter type foals. 🍁 Your mix-cross/hybrid "Grade Sport/Warmblood" foals show here. 🍁 NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e. Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately.
Includes: all Warmblood, Sport, general purpose riding, Hunter/heavy-hunter type foals. 🍁 Your mix-cross/hybrid "Grade Sport/Warmblood" foals show here. 🍁 NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e. Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately.
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Foals with stock-type build & conformation 🍁 Your "Grade Stock" foals also show here 🍁 Includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock-type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock-type), Pintaloosa, Quarab (stock-type), Pintabian (stock-type)
Gaited & gaited-type youngstock🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" foals show here🍁 Includes: ASB, TWH, Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Rocky Mountain Horse, Racking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tennuvian, Tiger Horse, Walkaloosa
All Pony or Pony-type youngstock🍁 Please enter any mix-cross/hybrid pony types as "Grade Pony" 🍁 Includes all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc)
All Pony or Pony-type youngstock🍁 Please enter any mix-cross/hybrid pony types as "Grade Pony" 🍁 Includes all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc)
All Draft & carriage-type foals 🍁 Please enter any hybrid, mix-cross draft or carriage-type foals as "Grade Draft" 🍁
For longear & exotic breeds. 🍁 Your decorators, unrealistic colours, & fantasy-type models also show here. 🍁 Please be specific in your descriptions in regards to type & size (i.e small standard, large standard, draft-type mule, saddle/riding-type mule, gaited-type, etc). 🍁 More info: https://bit.ly/3Lq0onA
For TRADITIONAL SIZE (1:9 scale) Peter Stone horses only (pebbles & chips are shown in the MINI division). 🍁 Includes P. Stone factory customs, extreme factory customs, auction models, OOAK, DAH, Best Offer models, You-Call-It, etc; as produced at the P. Stone factory in Shipshewana. 🍁 Complete rules here: [ https://bit.ly/3VIzPxE ]
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Part (half) Arabians with arab-type look & build 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: National Show Horses (NSH) have their own class in the LIGHT BREEDS Division.
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
All other pure & mix/grade crossbreeds of nondescript light-type build & conformation. 🍁 Your 'Grade Light' type horses also show here
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
All other pure & nondescript hybrid-mix/crossbreeds with Spanish-type look & conformation 🍁 Your 'Grade Spanish/Iberian" type horses also show here.
Includes: American Thoroughbred, French Thoroughbred, English Thoroughbred 🍁 American Standardbred, Australian Standardbred, Canadian Pacer, Finnish Universal (trotter-type), French Trotter, Métis Trotter, Norway Coldblood Trotter (Norsk Kaldblodstraver), Orlov Trotter, Russian Trotter, Swedish Coldblood Trotter (Svensk Kallblodstravar)
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
Nondescript hybrid, or mix/Grade/crossbreed types for general all-purpose riding, hunter-hack, etc. 🍁 Your "Grade Sport/Warmblood" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Anglo-Kabarda (Kabarda), Ariegeois (Merens Pony), Argentine Polo Pony, Australian Waler, Boerperd (Boer Horse), British Appaloosa, British Hunter-Hack, British Riding Horse, Cob (English/Irish, light/heavyweight or Maxi), Dutch Appaloosa, Friesian Sport Horse, San Fratello, Soulon Tiger Horse, Stonewall Sporthorse, Warlander
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Your "Grade Stock" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type), and other mix/crosses (Grade Stock) with stock-type build & conformation.
For all other pure (non-Spanish) gaited-type horses, and/or hybrid mixed/cross thereof. 🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" horses show here
Includes: American Shetland (all 4 types - please specify type), American Show Pony, American Sport Pony, American Walking Pony, North American Curly Pony (under 14.2 hh), Assateague Pony, Banker Pony, Chincoteague Pony, Newfoundland Pony, North American Spotted Haflinger, Paint Pony, Pony of the Americas (POA), Sable Island Pony, Quarter Pony, Trottingbred Pony
Includes: Shetland, British Riding Pony, British Spotted Pony, British Show Pony, Carneddau Pony, Cob Pony, Connemara Pony, Dales Pony, Dartmoor Pony, Eriskay Pony, Exmoor Pony, Fell Pony, Hackney Pony, Highland Pony, Kerry Bog, Lundy Pony, New Forest Pony, Welsh Mountain Pony (sec. A), Welsh Pony (Sec. B), Welsh Cob (Sec. C)
For all other pure, or mix/cross/grade pony-type breeds 🍁 Your "Grade Pony" types show here 🍁 Includes (African, Asian, Australian, etc), American Miniature, Falabella, etc.
Includes: American Belgian, American Cream Draft, American Drum Horse, North American Spotted Draft, Sugarbush Draft, Sendera Draft
For all other pure and/or mix-cross Draft-type and carriage-type horses. 🍁 Your "Grade Draft" types show here.
For longear & exotic breeds. 🍁 Your decorators/unrealistic colours & fantasy-type models also show in this division.
For longear & exotic breeds. 🍁 Please be specific in your descriptions in regards to mule/donkey types & size. 🍁 Donkey terminology: [https://bit.ly/3X4FhMf] 🍁 Mule: [https://bit.ly/3Lq0onA ]
Includes: all unrealistic colours, decorators, fantasy models, (pegasus, unicorn, pooka, merhorse) etc.
YOUNGSTOCK is defined as foals, weanlings, and yearlings up to one year of age.
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya Foals are shown in the Sport/Warmblood class
Your part/half Arabian type foals show here. 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Part Arabian, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: National Show Horse foals are shown in LIGHT BREEDS
All feral, light, & light-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Light" foals also show here 🍁
All Spanish & Spanish/Iberian-type foals. 🍁 Your "Grade Spanish/Iberian" foals also show here 🍁
Includes: all Warmblood, Sport, general purpose riding, hunter/hunter-hack type foals. 🍁 Your mix-cross/hybrid "Grade Sport/Warmblood" foals show here. 🍁 NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e. Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately.
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Foals with stock-type build & conformation 🍁 Your "Grade Stock" foals also show here 🍁 Includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock-type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock-type), Pintaloosa, Quarab (stock-type), Pintabian (stock-type)
Gaited & gaited-type youngstock🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" foals show here🍁 Includes: ASB, TWH, Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, McCurdy Plantation Horse, North Amer Single-Footer, Rocky Mountain Horse, Racking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tennuvian, Tiger Horse, Walkaloosa
All pony and pony-type foals 🍁 Please enter any mix-cross/hybrid pony types as "Grade Pony" 🍁 Includes all other pony-type breeds (African, Asian, Australian, etc)
All Draft & carriage-type foals 🍁 Please enter any hybrid, mix-cross draft or carriage-type foals as "Grade Draft" 🍁
For longear & exotic breeds. 🍁 Your decorators, unreaistic colours, & fantasy-type models also show here. 🍁 Please be specific in your descriptions in regards to type & size (i.e small standard, large standard, draft-type mule, saddle/riding-type mule, gaited-type, etc). 🍁 More info: https://bit.ly/3Lq0onA
For all OF PLASTIC or rubber minis only 🍁 NOTE: ALL MINI china/porcelain & OF resins ARE TO BE SHOWN in the OF China/Resin division 🍁 Complete rules here: [ https://bit.ly/3VIzPxE ]
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Purebred Arabian, Berber-type Arabian, Persian Arabian, Polish Arabian 🍁 NOTE: Shagya's are shown in the Sport Breeds Division
Part (half) Arabians with arab-type look & build 🍁 Includes: Araloosa (arab-type), Hispano-Arabe, Morab, Pintabian (arab-type), Quarab (arab-type) 🍁 NOTE: National Show Horses (NSH) have their own class in the LIGHT BREEDS Division.
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
Includes: all feral horses, Abaco Barb, American Indian Horse, American Mustang (aka BLM Mustang), Australian Brumby, Canadian Chilcotin Horse, Cayuse, Cerbat Mustang, Choctaw, Colonial Spanish horse, Indian Horse, Indian half-bred, Kiger Mustang, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Nokota Horse, Pryor Mustang, Spanish Mustang, Suffield Mustang, Spanish Sulpher Horse
Includes: Akhal Teke, Altai, American Banker Horse (Banker Pony), Barb, Bashkir Curly Horse, Bulichi (Baluchi), Camarillo White Horse, Carolina Marsh Tacky, Cuban Pinto (Pinto Cubano), Deliboz, Kathiawari, Karabakh, Karabair, Karakachan Pony (Karachay), Kuda-Pacu, Kushum, Kustanai, Lokai, Maremmana, Marwari, Moroccan Barb, Moyle, Nez-Perce Horse, North American Curly, Nooitgedachter, Novokirghiz, Sardinian, Sanhe Horse, Xilingol horse, Tersk, Turkoman
Includes: Akhal Teke, Altai, American Banker Horse (Banker Pony), Barb, Bashkir Curly Horse, Bulichi (Baluchi), Camarillo White Horse, Carolina Marsh Tacky, Cuban Pinto (Pinto Cubano), Deliboz, Kathiawari, Karabakh, Karabair, Karakachan Pony (Karachay), Kuda-Pacu, Kushum, Kustanai, Lokai, Maremmana, Marwari, Moroccan Barb, Moyle, Nez-Perce Horse, North American Curly, Nooitgedachter, Novokirghiz, Sardinian, Sanhe Horse, Xilingol horse, Tersk, Turkoman
Nondescript hybrid-mix/crossbreeds with light-type build & conformation 🍁 Your 'Grade Light' type horses show here. 🍁 NOTE: "Grade" is a North American term which refers to an unregistered horse of unknown breeding without a specific breed standard, and/or is a mix/cross of several different breeds which does not exhibit obvious or specific characteristics/conformation of any particular breed as defined by any breed registry, association, or state stud.
Cross breeds only
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Alter Real, Pura Raza Española (Andalusian/PRE), Azteca, Campolina, Carthusian, Castilian, Chilean Corralero, Chilean Horse, Extremeño, Llanero, Lipizzan, Losino, Lusitano, Mallorquín/Menorquín, Pantanerio Horse, Sorraia Horse, Zapatero
Includes: Costeño, Costa Rican Saddle Horse, Columbian Paso Fino (Trote Y Galope), Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Mangalarga Marchador, Spanish Jennet
Includes: Costeño, Costa Rican Saddle Horse, Columbian Paso Fino (Trote Y Galope), Paso Fino, Peruvian Paso, Mangalarga Marchador, Spanish Jennet
All other nondescript hybrid-mix/crossbreeds with Spanish-type look & conformation 🍁 Your 'Grade Spanish/Iberian" type horses show here 🍁 Also includes: American Azteca, Criollo/Crioulo, Pampas Horse, Spanish Barb Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse, Spanish-Norman Horse
Includes: American Thoroughbred, French Thoroughbred, English Thoroughbred
Includes: American Thoroughbred, French Thoroughbred, English Thoroughbred
Includes: American Thoroughbred, French Thoroughbred, English Thoroughbred
Includes: American Standardbred, Australian Standardbred, Canadian Pacer, Finnish Universal (trotter-type), French Trotter, Métis Trotter, Norway Coldblood Trotter (Norsk Kaldblodstraver), Orlov Trotter, Russian Trotter, Swedish Coldblood Trotter (Svensk Kallblodstravar)
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
Austrian WB, Bavarian WB, Belgisch Warmbloedpaard (Belgian WB), Brandenburg, Czech Warmblood, Danish WB, Dutch WB, East Bulgarian, Furioso-North Star (Furioso), German Warmblood, Hanoverian, Holstein, Hungarian WB, Kinsky, Kisber-Felver, Knabstrup/Knabstrupper, Malapolski, Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Ostfriesen, Polish WB, Rhinelander/Zweibrucker, Salernitano, Selle Francais, Silesian Horse, Swedish WB, Swiss WB, Trakehner, Westphalian, Wielkopolski, Wurttemberger
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
NOTE: for Sporthorses and generic warmblood breeds (ie American WB, Canadian WB, etc) please specify cross (i.e., Canadian Wb = Canadian Horse x Hanoverian). The more details you provide, the better it helps the judge to evaluate your horse more accurately. 🍁 Includes: Anglo-Arab, American WB, American Sport Horse, Australian Waler, Australian WB, Brazilian WB, British Sport Horse, British Warmblood, Budyonny, Canadian Horse, Canadian Sport Horse, Canadian Warmbloood, Cheval de Hemson, Gidrán Arabian, Gidrán Sprt Horse, Irish Draft/Draught, Irish Sport Horse, Murghese, New Zealand WB, Russian Don, Russian Riding Horse, Shagya Arabian, Ukrainian Riding Horse, Zangersheide
All other nondescript hybrid, or mix/Grade/crossbreed types for general all-purpose riding, heavy-hunter, hunter-hack, etc. 🍁 Your "Grade Sport/Warmblood" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Anglo-Kabarda, Argentine Polo Pony, Australian Waler, Boerperd (Boer Horse), British Appaloosa, British Hunter-Hack, British Riding Horse, Cob (English/Irish, light/heavyweight or Maxi), Dutch Appaloosa, Friesian Sport Horse, Kabarda, San Fratello, Soulon Tiger Horse, Stonewall Sporthorse, Warlander
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Includes: American Quarter Horse (AQHA), Appendix Quarter Horse, Foundation Quarter Horse
Your "Grade Stock" horses show here 🍁 Also includes: Australian Stock Horse, Colorado Ranger, Araloosa (stock type), Canadian Cutting Horse (stock type), Pintaloosa, Pintabian (stock-type), Quarab (stock-type), and other mix/crosses (Grade Stock) with stock-type build & conformation.
Includes: Florida Cracker, Kentucky Saddle Horse, McCurdy Plantation Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, North Amer Single-Footer, Rocky Mountain Horse
For all other (non-Spanish) hybrid, or mix/cross gaited-type horses. 🍁 Your "Grade Gaited" horses show here 🍁 Includes: Aegidienberger, Racking Horse, Spotted Saddle Horse, Tennuvian, Tiger Horse, Walkaloosa