Crescent Cove MHA Summer Show 2024

This is the 10th edition of the discord group Crescent Cove Model Horses and Art's Quarterly photo shows! As usual, this show is 100% free of charge but is ONLY for members of CCMHA on Discord. New members are welcome as well, you can join by this link: Link . For new members you will need to answer a few questions and select your roles to be fully in the group, then comment your OMHPS username in the “omhps-usernames” channel! If you aren’t seeing the option, you might need to select your roles first! If you have any questions contact me on Discord, Naomithewolf.

1. Place horses in the correct classes. If the class your horse should have been in has already been judged, your horse will be DQ. I try to steward but don't always get to. 2. Models should be shown on non-distracting backgrounds that don't cover the horse. Realistic backgrounds are fine but should be to scale. 3. No NSFW models. The server is PG13 and the show is too. 4. Do not enter more than 3 horses per class. If you somehow enter more than 3, ALL your entries in the class will be DQ. 5. No, I will not let people in the show that are not in the Discord server. This show is a celebration of our community and anyone is welcome to join the community!


This show has a private list of entrants that are allowed to enter.

Divisions 7
Sections 41
Classes 313


You can find the show results below

Private user hosted show

Show concluded

2024-08-05 00:00

2024-09-05 00:00



Custom Large


Custom Small


Medallion Workmanship


Workmanship Large


Workmanship Small

See all (back to shows)