CCMHA Winter Festival 2023

It’s finally here, the 8th edition of Crescent Cove MHA’s Online Photo Show! This is a BIG show, containing all the previous categories into one and it is free to all members of the server on Discord! New members are also welcome! All classes with more than 40 entries will be split randomly. There will be multiple judges for this show. If you’d like to join the server, follow this link here: Link . For new members you will need to answer a few questions and select your roles to be fully in the group, then comment your OMHPS username in the “omhps-usernames” channel! If you aren’t seeing the option, you might need to select your roles first! If you have any questions contact me on Discord, Naomithewolf.

1.Understand that our judges are busy and may take some time to judge your classes. 2.Judging results are final, but if you’d like to know why your horse placed the way it did, some judges offer notes on their decision making. Feel free to reach out to Naomithewolf on discord for any tips! 3.Do not enter horses in more than one breed class or more than one halter class. If entered in multiple classes, all classes that horse entered will be disqualified! 4.Be sure that the class you’re entering is correct for your model. If you enter the wrong class you will be disqualified. 5.Only use photos taken by you! No photos used with artists permission, these should be your photos. 6.All foals should enter foal classes (this includes fantasy and longear foals in Other foals). 7.For workmanship, pattern dominates base color. So enter your bay tobiano in only the tobiano class. 8.Have fun! This is the end of the year show and it’s a celebration of our community’s growth!

This show has a private list of entrants that are allowed to enter.

Divisions 10
Sections 63
Classes 473


You can find the show results below

Private user hosted show

Show concluded

2024-01-03 00:00

2024-02-03 00:00





Custom Large


Custom Small


OF Large


OF Small




Workmanship Large


Workmanship Small

See all (back to shows)